(JourneyMan) don5318's World

Dec 21, 2023 4:26 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

I would like to take the time to wish everyone here on Wincustomize a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday, and a Happy New Year, please be safe, and enjoy your time with family!

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Nov 26, 2023 3:31 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

This could be very interesting, to say the least....check out the external link, for more info.

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Time to Skin again....

Nov 16, 2023 2:55 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Well, I'm coming back to skinning, felt it was time (still working on Macs), besides been getting the bug to start up again, renewed my subscription to Object Desktop, before it ran out. Ordered me a new PC, should be here Friday the 17th, can't wait, I'll get it all setup, then off we go, and they (skins) will all be FREE!!! [e digicons]|-)[/e]  

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....the passion is gone

Apr 23, 2022 12:21 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Just letting everyone know, that Wonder Woman was my last skin, I started another skin "Bit of Spring", but just don't have the drive to finish it, so it's time for a Hiatus, maybe I'll find that drive/passion to skin, or not.  I do have more remodeling on my house to do as well, anyways I'll still poke my head in, once in a while, to see how things are going, so thanks to all of you who supported my work, by purchasing my Master Skins, and for those who have made such wonderful comments on my work, thank you! Everyone take care, and Dueces everyone. [e digicons]|-)[/e]  

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....In the process of releasing my Master skins

Mar 4, 2022 6:44 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Just letting everyone know, that I'll be in the process of releasing all of my Master Skins from paid to free, just need to talk to the right person for this process. I want to thank all of you who bought all of my Master Skins, thanks for your support. [e digicons]|-)[/e]  

Don aka don5318

19 Replies Reply 14 Referrals

Sci Fi

Jan 29, 2022 6:45 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Coming next month, Force 940 dark Sci Fi skin.....

26 Replies Reply 14 Referrals

Coming Soon....

Dec 30, 2021 3:48 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Keep your eyes open, after New Year....Dark Rogue is coming.

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WindowBlinds start menu animation not showing....

Dec 4, 2021 2:59 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

It was brought to my attention (on my Red Christmas WB) that if you are using Start11 (on Windows 10) and your WindowBlinds skin start menu has any animation, it won't show up on the start menu, the animation is actually sitting behind the start menu, you will see it (for a brief second) as the start menu is opened.  I have no idea as to why this is, maybe Neil can shed some light on this, anyways, to work around this you must turn off "Animate the menu when opening it" from the Visual appearance of Windows 7 style, then the animation will show up.  The WB animation will show up on the start menu; normally on Start10.  So, if you are using Start11 on Windows 10 use the steps below....

10 Replies Reply 9 Referrals

Coming to a Galaxy near you....

Oct 26, 2021 10:52 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

My next Free skin, will be Warp Core, stay tuned. [e digicons]|-)[/e]  

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I've given this a lot of thought, and I have decided to walk away from skinning, not sure if I'll be back or not,  It just doesn't seem to be the same anymore (for me), when I started here back in 2001, there was a ton of great skinners, (Masters or not) now it's just a handful (if that) of us left, and now there'll be one less.  After the first of the year, I'll decide what to do with my skin gallery, whether to keep it,  or have it taken down. I appreciate those who supported me by buying my Master skins, I'll still be around, just won't be skinning. 

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